You can add 100 calories to your every day intake until you increase the intake to 1,000 or more calories a day. While eating more calories than you burn can help you gain weight, you need to eat significantly more than you burn each day to become fat in a month. Extra toppings, sauces and second helpings are some of the good ways to add some calories quickly. This will also ensure that you have a high metabolic rate so that you remain on course with your weight gain plan. According to Mayo Clinic, one pound of fat is approximately equivalent to 3,500 calories. Due to the lack of nutritional content in these foods, however, your health will decline severely if you use them to gain weight. Both weight loss and weight gain involve a balance between the amount of calories that you consume and burn in a day. For example, replacing your breakfast cereal with granola can add 100 calories, while topping it with a banana adds another 105 calories. Make a well-rounded diet chart that gives you sufficient major nutrients - protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates. So, started hunting around the various whole food blogs for suggestions. You could add pistachios to your evening snacking!
Eating sugary, high-fat junk foods is an easy way to become fat. Linda Houtkooper of the University of Arizona notes that your daily caloric needs increase as you gain weight. There are some “try before you buy” exercises & you can find her on YouTube as well. Make whole-grains, vegetables, kidney beans, lean red meat, eggs, chicken and fish a part of your diet. Instead, you should eat more calorie-dense alternatives or add naturally high calorie foods to other dishes. I still have a lot of hormone rebalancing to do which I’m working on thru diet as well, but T-Tapp has helped me get a start. By adding 100 calories each day, for example, you can boost your fat gain and ensure that your daily caloric intake exceeds your body's increasing needs.
You need to increase your calorie intake week-by-week, increasing it slowly over a month’s time. By adding healthy sources of calories such as these to all of your meals throughout the month, you can become fat in the quickest, healthiest way possible. Furthermore, it is advised that you don’t skip any meals and eat healthy snacks in between the meals.

Since you have set a one month target, you must add the extras that can help stack up your caloric intake. I’ll be 40 at the end of the month & after my 2nd child was born last year and my period returned, I began to realize my hormones are out of whack. In addition, nutritionist Dr. Chocolates have 535 calories in per 100 grams, Peanut Butter has 589 calories per 100 grams, Nuts have 576 calories per 100 grams, and Olive Oil has 884 calories per 100 grams!
Amy: I’m not an expert by any stretch (just learning a little more everyday). Using this number, you can calculate the amount of excess calories that you need to consume to become fat in a month.
While an extra 1,500 calories per day results in a gain of more than 12 pounds of fat in a month, this amount of extra weight may not make a taller, larger-framed person appear fat. This way you can make your body used to the increased calories without making it too full. Moreover, you can drink smoothies, milkshakes, juice and milk with your meals to add calories that won't make your body feel bloated. You might at least have a look to see if it might help you at all. Remember that Olive Oil is a great source to add calories, so you could include olive oil to your cooking instead of other oils that we usually use. I ran across T-Tapp which is an exercise system that works to rebalance your body & reduce inflammation. Wishing you luck!
You have to feed your body every 4 hours to achieve weight gain goal in a 1-month timeline. I gave it a try & in the first week of just doing the “how to” version of one of the workouts, I lost 11 inches from my body. When eating snacks, avoid junk foods, and include nuts and fruits as this will be healthier and therefore be healthy source of calorie in your diet. Mixing 100 g of chicken into your salad adds approximately 300 calories, an ounce of almonds adds 169 calories and a cup of pineapple adds another 85 calories. As such, you should increase your excess caloric intake as you progress through the month. I have since lost 11 more inches.
Eating sugary, high-fat junk foods is an easy way to become fat. Linda Houtkooper of the University of Arizona notes that your daily caloric needs increase as you gain weight. There are some “try before you buy” exercises & you can find her on YouTube as well. Make whole-grains, vegetables, kidney beans, lean red meat, eggs, chicken and fish a part of your diet. Instead, you should eat more calorie-dense alternatives or add naturally high calorie foods to other dishes. I still have a lot of hormone rebalancing to do which I’m working on thru diet as well, but T-Tapp has helped me get a start. By adding 100 calories each day, for example, you can boost your fat gain and ensure that your daily caloric intake exceeds your body's increasing needs.
You need to increase your calorie intake week-by-week, increasing it slowly over a month’s time. By adding healthy sources of calories such as these to all of your meals throughout the month, you can become fat in the quickest, healthiest way possible. Furthermore, it is advised that you don’t skip any meals and eat healthy snacks in between the meals.

Since you have set a one month target, you must add the extras that can help stack up your caloric intake. I’ll be 40 at the end of the month & after my 2nd child was born last year and my period returned, I began to realize my hormones are out of whack. In addition, nutritionist Dr. Chocolates have 535 calories in per 100 grams, Peanut Butter has 589 calories per 100 grams, Nuts have 576 calories per 100 grams, and Olive Oil has 884 calories per 100 grams!
Amy: I’m not an expert by any stretch (just learning a little more everyday). Using this number, you can calculate the amount of excess calories that you need to consume to become fat in a month.
While an extra 1,500 calories per day results in a gain of more than 12 pounds of fat in a month, this amount of extra weight may not make a taller, larger-framed person appear fat. This way you can make your body used to the increased calories without making it too full. Moreover, you can drink smoothies, milkshakes, juice and milk with your meals to add calories that won't make your body feel bloated. You might at least have a look to see if it might help you at all. Remember that Olive Oil is a great source to add calories, so you could include olive oil to your cooking instead of other oils that we usually use. I ran across T-Tapp which is an exercise system that works to rebalance your body & reduce inflammation. Wishing you luck!
You have to feed your body every 4 hours to achieve weight gain goal in a 1-month timeline. I gave it a try & in the first week of just doing the “how to” version of one of the workouts, I lost 11 inches from my body. When eating snacks, avoid junk foods, and include nuts and fruits as this will be healthier and therefore be healthy source of calorie in your diet. Mixing 100 g of chicken into your salad adds approximately 300 calories, an ounce of almonds adds 169 calories and a cup of pineapple adds another 85 calories. As such, you should increase your excess caloric intake as you progress through the month. I have since lost 11 more inches.
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