Weight Loss Forums


  1. Health and Fitness News :

    Top 10 Weight Loss Forums

    1. www.click-healths.blogspot.com/p/weight-loss-forums.html

    2. www.traineo.com

    3. www.diet.com

    4. www.extrapounds.com

    5. www.sparkpeople.com

    6. www.weightlossbuddy.com

    7. www.fatsecret.com

    8. weight-loss-forums.com

    9. www.fitlink.com

    10. www.walkingspree.com

    When you are looking for Weight Loss Forums or Health Forums where you can post comment and share you thought, Click Health website: www.click-healths.blogspot.com/p/weight-loss-forums.html is the best Weight Loss Forums and Health Forums world wide.

  2. Raw Food Diet Weight Loss

    Raw food diet can have high weight loss benefits. Although it is not even uncommon for people to lose 15 pounds or more within weeks.

    If you first started eating a high raw food, vegan diet you will lost 5 pounds right away, like within a few days.

    When I went 100% raw for the first time you will lost another 5 pounds, almost instantly. However, this was mostly water weight, so if you start eating salty foods or retaining water for other reasons, it will bring the weight right back. So relying on water weight loss is not generally a great idea. When you want to lose weight, what you really want to do is lose fat.
